Railway relays

Mors Smitt offers a wide range of highly reliable relays for on-board and trackside applications.

All our relays are designed by railway engineers to outlive the life time of a train.
Up to date more than 10 million relays are installed world wide.

  • Instantaneous relays

    Instantaneous relays

    An Instantaneous Relay is one in which there is no time delay provided intentionally. As the current coil is an inductor, there would be a certain delay to reach the current in the coil to its maximum value. There is also some time required for mechanical movement of the armature in the relay. These time delays are inherent in the instantaneous relay but no other time delay is intentionally added.…
  • Latching relays

    Latching relays

    A latching relay is a two-position electrically-actuated switch. It maintains either contact position indefinitely without power applied to the coil.  It is controlled by two momentary-acting switches or sensors, one that 'sets' the relay, and the other 'resets' the relay. The latching relay maintains its position after the actuating switch has been released, so it performs a basic memory function. There are two kinds of latching relays: One latching type…
  • Miscellaneous


  • Monitoring relays

    Monitoring relays

    A Monitoring Relay is a protective control device. The basic functions are to receive input signals, monitor and determine them, and output an alarm signal if a set value (threshold) is reached. Monitoring Relays monitor power supplies (voltage, current, power, phase), temperatures, and other analog signals and detects abnormalities in machines and equipment by determining values against alarm thresholds. Time Chart Voltage monitoring relay with optional delay-on and delay-off timer…
  • Sockets


    Sockets for Mors Smitt relays.
  • Timer relays

    Timer relays

    A Timer Relay is a combination of an electromechanical output relay and a control circuit. The contacts will open or close before or after a pre-selected, timed interval. Time delay relays are initiated or triggered by one of two methods: application of input voltage/auxiliary supply will either initiate the unit or make it ready to initiate when a trigger signal is applied applying a trigger signal is used to initiate…